Tenafly residents have dealt recently with tow power outages that lasted for hours creating inconveniences to residents and to businesses.
Residents of Tenafly don't really understands why the outages kept happening. People just ...
Tenafly has announced its 2013 Summer Concert Series. Concerts will be held throughout the summer on Tuesdays and Thursdays in borough parks.
The Tuesday concerts will be held in Huyler Park starting at 7:00 p.m. and Thursday ...
Bergen County is experiencing a continued increase in sales vs the same period last year.
Below are some indicators evidencing the strength of the market in such towns as Tenafly , Demarest and Norwood (data is updated as of May 31-2013) ...
In today's hot Tenafly market, many buyers often find that they have to up their bids and more often than ever before to offer "cash" in order and secure the deal.
This phenomenon is a result of limited inventory and an abundance of read ...
The JCC in Tenafly created a security task force comprised of local law enforcement and US & Israeli experts. The purpose of the task force is to re evaluate security procedures and infrastructure this, in view of the tragic eve ...
Purchase demand has expanded in Bergen County and New Jersey by an astounding 58% over the last two years. The "Buy Now Pay Less" mood among home buyers has created a sense of urgency that is reflected in the reduced number of days on marke ...
Find the best camps/activities for every child , age or purpose in and around Tenafly on "Our Community Online" amazing Summer Camp Guide
Reposted from
Summer Camp Guide 2013
Find Your Local Weekly Camp Here
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Does the increase in demand in towns such as Tenafly means that the housing market is back?
One of the main factors fueling the demand to purchase are the incredibly low interest rates. In fact current mortgage rates are about ...
While the last 5-6 years saw many sales derail due to low-ball appraisals, appraisers are now valuing Bergen County homes at or above their selling prices. This is true for many towns such as Tenafly, Demarest and other neighboring t ...
Tenafly residential sales in the first four months of 2013 show an increase of the average sold price , compared to the same period in 2012
below are some market statistics and indicators for the period of 1.1.2013 to 4.30.2013 vs same ...