Tenafly considers Micro-Surfacing
According to mayor Rustin, the number one complaint in town is the condition and maintenance of the roads. In the spirit of fiscal responsibility, the town is considering miro-surfacing its roads.
Introduced in the United States in 1980, Micro Surfacing now is recognized not only as the most cost-effective way to treat the surface wheel-rutting problem, but also a variety of other road surface problems. Micro Surfacing is now used throughout Europe, the United States, and Australia and is making inroads into many other areas.
According to the town’s engineer Hipolit , using this method, Tenafly could resurface all roads in the town without continually impacting a “shrinking” budget. “The road won’t look completely smooth. There will be friction to it, and there will be grooves in the road. It’s not rough or harmful to the car but you will hear a little noise,”
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